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Atco Elementary School

Principal's Message



I am very excited to join the amazing staff of Atco Elementary School! As principal, my main goal is to ensure that every student is provided the highest quality of education possible in a safe and supportive learning environment. Working together as a team with our amazing staff and parents, I am committed to helping each student achieve their very best. I believe children should learn the academic and social skills necessary to become independent, responsible, life-long learners. Our staff prides itself on our students’ success. We will continue to make progress through thoughtful planning, maintenance of effective curriculum, and powerful partnerships with both parents and community members. When school and family are joined as partners in education, students have a greater chance for success.

The staff at Atco Elementary takes special care to provide learning opportunities for our students at their instructional level and to provide interventions and extensions, as needed, in Literacy (Reading & Writing) and Math. Lessons created by our staff members promote interest, collaboration, and critical thinking. We understand that in order for our students to learn, they must feel supported, safe, engaged and connected to their learning environment. We will continue to focus on our academic practices while also working to improve each student’s social and emotional learning.

I look forward to working together to make this year your child’s most successful year yet. I encourage families to be involved as much as possible. Stress to your children the importance of their education. Make sure they see the value in what they are learning. Let them know that mistakes are a pathway to success as long as they learn from the mistakes. Encourage them to be proud of who they are and to be kind to all. As a community, we can give your child the gift of learning as we all grow together.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns. My door is always open.


Heather Kondas, Principal

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